We provide a trustworthy and centralized resource for collectors of Imperial German orders, decorations and medals.

Authentications and Appraisals provided here are based on a combined experience of over 50 years.

Collecting artifacts derives from passion and the desire to know, but to physically experience history. Passion can often blindside us and lead us down the wrong path when acquiring the objects of our desire. It takes a truly unbiased and independent stand to observe and judge an artifact during the evaluation, authentication and acquisition process. Especially with the appreciation of values of orders and decorations one need not only to be extremely cautious but knowledgeable.

We at Medalnet Appraisal Services do represent not just one, but a team of unbiased, independent, proven and published experts on the matter of imperial German orders, decorations and medals.

We charge a simple fee of US $ 150.- per artifact.

Andreas M. Schulze Ising

Andreas started his medal collecting “career” before he even entered his school years. After graduation, he served in the army and then pursued his degrees in Chemical Engineering and Business to further his education. Once completed, he began traveling throughout Europe and internationally, giving him an opportunity to expand his collection. Frequent visits to the United States gave him the opportunity to join OMSA, where he currently serves on the Board of Directors. Before relocating permanently to the US, where he currently resides, he was an active member of the German collector society BDOS (now DGO), as well as the British and Austrian collector societies. He has published several monographs for various German and English publications. Having foresight in the world of technology, he created a non-profit informative web page about Imperial German orders, decorations and medals. Knowing that the internet would eventually be the ideal place for collaboration and sharing with like-minded people, this site has become an invaluable resource for collectors.

Professionally, Andreas has had a 20-year career as CEO overseeing two international companies, but his fascination with medal collection has always remained active alongside of his career. Additionally, he is not only specialized in imperial German orders, decorations and medals, but in the artefacts of various other countries.

Bernd Kruse

Bernd’s interest in history and artifacts began early on in his life. Born in Itzehoe, Germany, he followed up his childhood education with formal training and a degree in law. He served as a German army reservist and has been enjoying a career within the District Attorney’s office in Luebeck. Bernd is an active member of the German Collector Society (DGO) and the US Collector Society (OMSA). 

Bernd’s expertise was cultivated with over 30 years of active research and involvement in the field of German orders, medals, and decorations. He is considered a specialist in those items that are issued and awarded by the former Kingdom and Empire of Prussia.